Antoine Gauquier

DIENS, École normale supérieure, CNRS, PSL University and Inria


4, Hauts du DI

45 rue d'Ulm

75005 PARIS

I am a Ph.D. student from École normale supérieure, jointly advised by Pierre Senellart (head of the Inria Valda team) and Ioana Manolescu (head of the Inria Cedar team).

My research interests include large-scale data acquisition (especially on the Web), data analysis (especially tabular data) and heterogeneous data integration. The main applications of my reseach are statistical data journalism (in the scope of the StatCheck project) and knowledge extraction from scholarly documents (in the scope of the TheoremKB project).

Before my Ph.D., I got a general engineer degree from IMT Nord Europe. I did my final year at Télécom Paris, specializing in data management and artificial intelligence. I am also a military reserve officer in the Marine Nationale (French Navy).